How to Install Void Linux: A Minimalist and Fast Distro

Void Linux is not your typical Linux distro. It does not use systemd, the most common init system in Linux, but instead uses runit, a simple and lightweight alternative. It also has its own package manager, xbps, which is fast and reliable. Void Linux is designed to be customizable and flexible, allowing you to choose your preferred desktop environment, window manager, and applications.

Install void Linux

Void Linux is also known for its speed and performance. It boots up quickly, uses minimal resources, and offers a stable and secure system. Void Linux is suitable for both beginners and advanced users who want to have more control over their system.

Step 1: Download the Void Linux ISO

The first thing you need to do is to download the Void Linux ISO file from its official website. You can choose between different flavors of Void Linux, depending on your hardware and preferences. For example, you can choose between glibc and musl versions, which are different implementations of the C library. You can also choose between different desktop environments or window managers, such as XFCE, LXQT, Cinnamon, MATE, KDE Plasma, GNOME, i3, etc.

You can download the Void Linux ISO file from here.

Void linux down page

Step 2: Create a Bootable USB Drive

The next thing you need to do is to create a bootable USB drive with the Void Linux ISO file. You can use any tool that can create bootable USB drives, such as Rufus, Etcher, UNetbootin, etc. For this tutorial, I will use Rufus as an example.

Rufus icon

You can download Rufus from here.

To create a bootable USB drive with Rufus, follow these steps:

  • Plug in your USB drive to your computer and launch Rufus.
  • Select your USB drive from the Device dropdown menu.
  • Click on the Select button and browse to the location of the Void Linux ISO file that you downloaded in step 1.
  • Make sure that the Partition scheme is set to MBR and the Target system is set to BIOS or UEFI.
  • Click on the Start button and wait for Rufus to create the bootable USB drive.

Step 3: Boot from the USB Drive

Once you have created the bootable USB drive with Rufus, you can boot from it and start the installation process of Void Linux. To do this, you will need to restart your computer and enter the boot menu. The key to enter the boot menu varies depending on your computer model and BIOS settings. It could be F12, F10, F9, F8, Esc, Del, etc. You will need to press the key repeatedly as soon as you see the manufacturer logo on your screen.

When you enter the boot menu, select your USB drive as the boot device and press Enter.

Void Linux boot menu

Press enter after selecting the first row.

Step 4: Log in as Root and Start the Installer

When you boot from the USB drive, you will see a screen like this:

Void Linux Live Screen

You are now in the Void Linux live system. To proceed to install Void Linux on your hard drive, you will need to log in as root and start the installer.

To log in as root, type root as the username and voidlinux as the password.

To start the installer, type void-installer in the command line.

Step 5: Follow the Installer Instructions

The installer will guide you through the installation process of Void Linux. You will need to answer some questions and make some choices along the way. Here are some of the steps that you will encounter:

  • Keyboard: Choose your keyboard layout from the list.
  • Network: Choose whether to use DHCP or static IP for your network configuration.
  • Hostname: Enter a name for your computer.
  • Localisation: Choose your timezone and locale settings.
  • Source: Choose whether to install Void Linux from the local image or from a network mirror.
  • Filesystems: Choose how to partition your hard drive and format your partitions. You can use automatic or manual mode. If you use manual mode, make sure that you create at least one partition for root (/) and one for swap (optional). You can also create other partitions for home (/home), boot (/boot), etc. if you want. This is an important step that will determine how much space you allocate for each partition and how they are organized on your disk.
  • Bootloader: Choose whether to install GRUB or not. GRUB is the most common bootloader for Linux, but you can also use other bootloaders if you prefer.
  • Root Password: Enter a password for the root user. This is the superuser account that has full access to your system. Make sure that you choose a strong and secure password.
  • User Account: Create a user account for yourself. This is the account that you will use to log in to your system and perform normal tasks. Enter your username, password, and full name. You can also choose whether to add your user to the sudoers file, which will allow you to execute commands as root using the sudo command.
  • Additional Services: Choose whether to enable some additional services for your system, such as cron, dbus, sshd, etc.
  • Installation: Confirm your choices and start the installation process. Wait for the installer to copy the files and configure your system.

Step 6: Reboot and Enjoy Void Linux

When the installation is complete, you will see a message like this:

Void Linux Installation completed

You can now reboot your computer and enjoy Void Linux. To reboot, type reboot in the command line.

When you reboot, you will see the GRUB menu (if you installed it) or your BIOS menu. Choose Void Linux and press Enter.

You will then see the login screen. Enter your username and password that you created in step 5.

You are now in your Void Linux desktop environment or window manager. You can start exploring and customizing your system as you wish.


In this article, I have shown you how to install Void Linux, a minimalist and fast distro that offers a unique experience for Linux enthusiasts. I hope you found this tutorial helpful and informative.

If you want to learn more about Void Linux, you can visit its official website [here].

If you want to learn more about Linux in general, you can check out some of my other articles on JittoTech:

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Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more tech articles from JittoTech.

Jitto Joseph

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